TCH: Information disclosure period of corporate bond issuers (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019)

(Updated: 16/1/2020)

Hoang Huy Investment Financial Services JSC (TCH) would like to send to investors the contents of preodical 6-months information disclosure (period: July 1 - December 31,2019):
- Audited semi-annual financial statements of 2019 (fiscal period from 1/4/2019 - 30/9/2019)
- The situation of corporate bond principal and interest payment for the reporting period from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
Please see the attachments for details.
Best regards.
Download the attached document:

tch. cv 04.2020 ngay 14.1.20 v.v bc tinh hinh thanh toan goc lai tp dn.pdf

tch. cv 05.2020 ngay 14.01.20 v.v thuc hien nghia vu cbtt dinh ky.pdf

tch audited semi-annual fs of 2019 (1.4.2019 - 30.9.2019).rar

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